March was a very exciting time around our household. My husband and I talked about having another baby and being 34, we decided to try for another baby relatively quickly after Arlo turned 1. So when I couldn’t quite catch my breath while climbing stairs and teaching Mom & Me Fit classes at Fit Your Life in March, I figured I might be pregnant. It took 4 pregnancy tests, but my suspicious were confirmed towards the end of March – we were expecting baby number 2. Photo Credit: Roughley Originals If you read my previous blog post , you’ll know that I sustained fourth degree tears during my vaginal birth with Arlo. Recovery was long, slow, and at times, really frustrating. But I did recover well with the help of several pelvic floor physiotherapists and some patience. Would I want to or be able to deliver vaginally with a second baby? Could my pelvic floor sustain trauma during pregnancy? What was the best way to preserve the function and strength of my pelvic floor dur...
Fit Your Life offers fitness classes for women at very special times in their lives. We want to assist you in finding or reconnecting with your fitness journey by discovering something that inspires you! Pregnancy and motherhood are often times in our lives where exercise is forgotten or falls off the priority list. Your health is vital in you being the best mom, wife, partner, friend, and woman you can be!