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Showing posts from September, 2018

Guest Post: Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy During Pregnancy- Erin Wright

March was a very exciting time around our household. My husband and I talked about having another baby and being 34, we decided to try for another baby relatively quickly after Arlo turned 1. So when I couldn’t quite catch my breath while climbing stairs and teaching Mom & Me Fit classes at Fit Your Life in March, I figured I might be pregnant. It took 4 pregnancy tests, but my suspicious were confirmed towards the end of March – we were expecting baby number 2. Photo Credit: Roughley Originals If you read my previous blog post , you’ll know that I sustained fourth degree tears during my vaginal birth with Arlo. Recovery was long, slow, and at times, really frustrating. But I did recover well with the help of several pelvic floor physiotherapists and some patience. Would I want to or be able to deliver vaginally with a second baby? Could my pelvic floor sustain trauma during pregnancy? What was the best way to preserve the function and strength of my pelvic floor dur...

Guest Post: My Journey Through Postpartum OCD - Rachel Musselwhite

Becoming a Mom; it is one of the most beautiful, difficult, life altering experiences we can go through as women. It can be a paradoxical existence of the highest of highs and lowest of lows, often simultaneously. Sometimes the lows can become very low. Sometimes feelings of sadness and fear can become so big they begin to obscure the joy and the beauty of motherhood. This became my reality following the birth of my sweet second baby. After the birth of my first, there had been moments of anxiety and sadness, but my second was different. I began having panic attacks frequently, and feared being home alone with my kids. Around the three-month post partum mark I began having terrifying intrusive thoughts. These thoughts were like short movies playing in my head, and most often centered on harming either my children or myself. I was shocked that I could ever think such things. I fought these thoughts with every fiber of my being, but fear that I would somehow lose control began to ...