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Showing posts from 2017

Tips to feel great on your vacation!

We love getting away as much as possible! Whether it is a weekend getaway to the mountains or jet-setting across the border, we look forward to recharging, unplugging, and enjoying quality time with each other. We work hard to move daily and fuel our bodies with nutritious food. We shouldn’t spoil all our hard work even though we are slowing down the pace for a few days! For this re ason, I have put together four tips to help ensure that you maintain your progress even while relaxing and taking some well-deserved time away! 1) Get outside! One of the best ways to be able to slow down and enjoy new areas is to go for a walk or jog through them. You will soak up so much more of your surroundings as opposed to driving by and with all the new things to look at you might even forget about the physical benefits you are achieving! Depending on where you are traveling to, you can search websites, blogs, or check out the local information centre for scenic hikes and trails to enjoy!

Pelvic Health Series: Our journey to regaining strength, alignment, & function Jamie - part 4

Wow! What a journey this has been! Seriously! The conversations that have been started, the support we have received and the knowledge we have gained has been amazing and more than we could have ever imagined.  We have been inspired by those of you who have sought assessment and began your own journey of increased alignment and function. If you’d like to catch up on how our journeys began, check out our previous posts here .   In Kellie’s last post she discussed “graduating” from physiotherapy.  While I am not at the stage of graduation yet, (I am still working on healing my abdominal separation) I have had some very powerful moments.  Over the course of four months, I have learned so much about myself and my body, through working with Jillian Palmer at Bounce Back Physical Therapy.   This journey to regain strength, function and alignment has been eye opening, powerful, motivating, shocking, humbling, educational and above all empowering. My body awareness, alignment, and core

@Term Initiative

Connect your mind and body to breath and movement in the final weeks of your pregnancy while also connecting with other moms! This amazing community of women will encourage, inspire, and motivate you as you eagerly await the day you meet your baby for the first time! We are extremely excited to announce our brand new @Term Initiative! At Fit Your Life, we are passionate about safely and effectively encouraging women to exercise throughout their pregnancy. Labour requires physical and psychological strength and stamina. Training for this incredible event in your life will increase your confidence in being prepared in body and mind.  On the foundation of this passion, we have created the @Term Initiative! All women 37 weeks and greater, until the day their baby arrives, is eligible to attend FYL classes at no cost!  The small print: After 37 weeks gestation (must be 37+0 according to early ultrasound dates), you can attend classes, up to a maximum of two per week,

Pelvic Health Series: Our journey to regaining strength, alignment, & function Kellie - part 3

This has been a humbling journey for me. Not only seeing a physiotherapist for assessment and treatment, but also journaling about my journey through this blog series. Writing about my experience has allowed me to reflect and dig deeper into learning about my own body. My last blog post explained my initial assessment with Bounce Back Physical Therapy and diagnoses. If you didn’t read it yet you can find it here ! I want to now take you on my journey through my “homework”, three follow-up visits, and what being “discharged” means to me. Homework At each appointment – the initial and follow-ups – Jillian gave me a series of stretches, exercises, and tips to implement into my daily routine. As the list grew, I would often feel overwhelmed with how to sneak it all in. What made it feel more manageable was when I remembered our discussion about how it’s okay to be imperfect and really that our goal is to have perfect alignment and engagement available to us. I actually came t

Pelvic Health Series: Our journey to regaining strength, alignment, & function Jamie - part 3

It has been two months since my first appointment at Bounce Back Physical Therapy with Jillian Palmer.  I have had some ups and downs with my recovery but overall I have been loving the experience.  I have loved learning more about how my body functions and being able to apply what I'm learning from a women's health expert to my classes. Over the course of this two month span I have had appointments every two weeks to try to find a solution for the symptoms I was experiencing.   If you want to know more about the beginning part of my journey, my symptoms and diagnoses, or Kellie’s journey, please click here and read the first four posts in our series.   I’m going to take you back to where I left off after my last post and share with you my experience of trying to find better function in my pelvic floor and close the abdominal separation I have.   I feel like Jillian, or any physio therapist for that matter, is like Sherlock Holmes, trying to solve the mystery o

Pelvic Health Series: Our journey to regaining strength, alignment and function Kellie - part 2

Hello! I am starting this post with a huge thank you!! Jamie and I are incredibly humbled by, and grateful for the beautiful messages we have received since opening up about our journeys through this pelvic health blog series. Amongst your notes, we have found joy in knowing that you are becoming more aware of the changes occurring within your body. Many of you have even sought assessment because of our journey and we could not be more proud of you for doing so. Truly! If you have not read our previous posts in the series, please check out Jamie’s first and second installments as we as my first that precedes this post! Also, I wanted to remind all of you that there are so many incredible women’s health physiotherapists in Edmonton and surrounding area. Jamie and I are both seeing Jillian Palmer, from Bounce Back Physical Therapy , because we had started to develop a professional relationship with her through referring clients. We appreciated her approach, and her proximity