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Babywearing Toning + Mom Fuel

Okay, let’s get real for a few minutes. Being a mom of two is awesome, a ton of fun, humbling, and tough. Yea, it’s tough. Brooke and I were in such a groove on the days we had together – I knew how long it would take to get fed, ready, and out the door. Toss (not literally!) an adorable newborn into the mix and goodness knows how long it can take! I love the learning adventure and the little daily challenges, but most of all of the extra love that having two sweet girls has added to our home. 

Nearly two months in and I am feeling more confident each day in this new routine and the chaos it ensues. Sure, Mikah is still feeding on demand, so that is not always 100% predictable, but it is getting better. She is also a snuggly baby, which is lovely and incredibly sweet, however, a little tricky with a busy and fun toddler who wants to play and needs to eat! Therefore, Mikah is in the carrier a lot. Good thing she loves it! I usually love working out first thing in the morning and there have been quite a few days that either I get it in before they wake or both girls are agreeable to join in. We make play time out of it! However, there are other days where timing works out best to sneak in my workout at naptime so I have created a few new “babywearing” workouts! These are great as you automatically have an extra 10, 15, 20lbs strapped to you, you are forced to engage your core to align your spine, and baby gets snuggles (in our case, usually a solid nap)!! Win-win-win!

Babywearing Toning

what you need:
· two medium weight dumbbells (8-12lbs)
· a mat
· supportive baby carrier (we love our Ergo Baby!)
· water

30 seconds each
1. Squats with calf raise
2. Low pulsing lunges
3. Walking jacks
4. Squats with alternating leg abduction
5. Alternating lunges with front kick
6. Walking jacks

45 seconds work : 15 seconds rest x 2 rounds
1. Weighted squats
2. Biceps curl to shoulder press
3. Deadlifts
4. Triceps dips (off steps, coffee table, or other hard surface)
5. Sumo squat hold with calf raise
6. Wall or elevated push-ups

Core & Stretch
· 1 minute of belly breathing with kegels while kneeling
· minimum 2 minutes of various standing stretches

· please make sure you have been cleared for exercise from your healthcare provider postpartum
· keep your core engaged throughout the workout to protect your low back and keep your spine in good position
· workout when your baby is fed, changed, and ready for a nap or play time! If he/she stays awake, then talk, play music, and/or sing throughout your routine!


Workout done, now, we need to fuel our bodies! It has been over a year since I have done my best to keep our freezer stocked with healthy snacks for busy days, to pack for lunches, or when we are rushing out the door. Yes, it is some extra work, but so worth it and incredibly handy! As a new mom of two, exclusively breastfeeding the Littlest, and keeping active, I am HUNGRY! Having nutrient-filled on-handed delicious snacks ready to eat in the freezer is key!
Two new energy bite recipes can be found below!

Chocolate peanut energy bars
· 2 cups pitted dates (soaked for at least 15 minutes)
· 1 cup unsalted peanuts
· 1-2 tbsp cacao (depending on your chocolaty preference)
· 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup
Blend all ingredients together in a food processor until doughy consistency. Take a pan or container and line with parchment. Spread dough to ½-¾ inch thickness in pan. Press down firmly to even it out. Place in freezer for 30 minutes to set. Remove from freezer. Take parchment out of pan and cut into 1x1 inch squares, or desired shape. Store in airtight container. Enjoy!
Keeps in freezer for 1 month.

Cookie Dough Bites
adapted from Oh She Glows
· 2 cups raw cashews
· 1 cup rolled oats
· 1 cup dates (soaked for at least 15 minutes)
· 2 tbsp pure maple syrup
· 2 tbsp nut & seed butter
· 1 tsp vanilla extract
· ½ tsp sea salt
· 4 tbsp dark chocolate chips
Place cashews and oats in food processor and grind until a fine flour forms (30-60 seconds). Don’t over-process, as the cashews can begin to turn into a butter. Add all remaining ingredients except the chocolate chips. Mix until doughy consistency. Remove blade from food processor and add chocolate chips. Mix in by hand. Form 1-inch round balls. Lay on a baking sheet to freeze for 30 minute before storing in airtight container. Enjoy!
Keeps in freezer for one month.



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