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Making time for you ... Selfish or selfless?

As a new mom or a mom-to-be, taking time for yourself and doing things that make you happy is actually a completely selfless act! Because you are used to taking care of others and worrying about everyone else the rest of the day, you are likely to feel selfish doing these activities. Stop right there. Do not feel selfish. Do not feel guilty. You need this time. Taking this time for you will actually make you a better wife, partner, mom, sister, aunt, friend, and coworker. You will be happier! Happier people have more energy to spend with the ones they love.

So, go on, do that something that makes you feel oh-so-good
and then get right back to taking care of everyone else!

This week, I challenge my clients do do two "selfish" things! One activity had to be fitness-related and the other could be whatever made them feel good. These activities did not have to be solo, they could involved their Littles, their partners, or other people, but they had to be activities that they wanted to do! I had them email me with their two selfish acts and I love what I read!

Here are some of the responses I received:

Fitness related

I went on three runs this week on my own.
Volleyball tournament - my high school was hosting an alumni volleyball tournament to raise funds for their athletics department. First time I played in ten years. So fun but I am so sore!
I went to the splash park twice today with Baby.
I went for a walk nightly with Baby during the week.
I went for a walk to the park with the kids.
I started doing morning workouts again and Baby is content watching :)
I played golf and also went for some walks in this beautiful weather.
I took my dog to the dog park for a long walk/play.
I had to bring my car in for some work, and rather than taking the shuttle, I walked the (approx) 5 km home, which was lovely as my husband had Baby, and it was 8 in the morning and just beautiful out!
Completed the Rocky Mountain Soap 5km walk in Canmore on Sunday.
My husband, daughter and I went for a long walk on one of my favourite trails. 
I have incorporated evening walks with my husband and dog into my fitness routine.
I went for a nice long walk! I did some walking lunges and squats while I was out for my walk as well.
I did yoga outside with a friend
My husband and I went for a bike ride

Non-fitness related

I hosted a Stella & Dot party at my place - shopping fun!
I enjoyed coffee with a friend (with Baby in tow).
I got my haircut (finally!!).
I went out for breakfast with a friend.
I went bathing suit shopping by myself and found one that I mostly like. I was dreading shopping for one but it turned out ok.
I met up with my girlfriend and met her brand new baby girl.
I enjoyed dinner with friends.
My in-laws were up on Sunday to see Baby, so I went to a friend’s house so he could tune up our bikes for the season, while I sat in the backyard with his wife and had a nice chilled glass of white wine...
I left my son at home with his Dad for the weekend, while I went to Canmore with my Mom, sisters and Grandma for a girls’ weekend.
I met up with a friend and we spent the evening downtown; we went for dinner and did some shopping. It was a beautiful evening so we even got to sit on the patio at the restaurant! It was such a nice treat. 
I scheduled a lunch date with an old friend and her son; we went to the park and enjoyed lunch together.
I got a pedicure!
I went for acupuncture/massage
I enjoyed a white chocolate raspberry scones/date night!

xoxox Kellie


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